We want you to enjoy your stay at Shambalanté to the fullest. In order for you to make the most out of our facilities, as well as of the program in which you will participate, we provide you with some recommendations and the basic information you need to know.
In Sudzal, the region of Yucatán where Shambalanté is located, the climate is warm-humid.
The maximum temperature is usually 35°C during the day, while sunrises and nights are somewhat cooler, with an average minimum temperature of 16°C.
Please, note that the climate varies depending on the season, so we recommend to check it before visiting.
Considering your comfort and honoring our commitment to the environment, in your room you will find:
- Ecological soap and shampoo
- Bath and pool towels
- Bathrobe
- Lightweight clothing
- Light sweater or jacket
- Sandals
- Comfortable closed shoes for hiking
- Hat
- Organic insect repellent and sunscreen
- Bathing suit
- Yoga mat (we can lend you one if you don’t have one)
- Water bottle
In Shambalanté we care about the environment and your well being, therefore, we avoid the use of chemicals and processed foods. We ask you to consider that the following items are prohibited:
- Sunscreens and repellents that are not biodegradable
- Processed foods
- Junk food
- Alcoholic beverages
- Psychotropic substances
One of the aims of the retreats, courses and events that take place in Shambalanté is to help you detoxify your being on the physical and spiritual levels, and for this, the quality of the food is fundamental.
Therefore, during your stay in our retreat center we will offer you an ovolactovegetarian menu, composed of diverse, natural and nutritious foods, prepared and served by our staff at specific times for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The food planning is done prior to the arrival of the groups and people who will be part of our events, therefore, in case you or any of the participants who are part of your group have any special requirements or food allergies, please, let us know about it in advance.
Please, be aware that processed foods and alcoholic beverages are not allowed. We invite you to come with the willingness to let yourself be pampered and experience a complete detox.