Shambalanté: Heart of Sacred Land
Shambalanté is the Heart of a Sacred Land, immersed in the Yucatecan jungle, where the Mayans left a powerful legacy of healing at a vibratory level. This will allow you to dive into a deeper and more authentic spiritual and healing experience through the various courses and retreats of meditation, yoga, detox, tantra, etc. that we offer.
In addition, the energetic resonance of this place will also allow you to connect with your heart and with your essence, to heal from the deepest core of your being, leaving behind what you don’t need.

Healing space
We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to live authentic and profound experiences that will take you on an inner journey towards the recognition of your being. For that we will facilitate a combination of spiritual processes based on the ancestral roots of Mayan wisdom, while you will be enveloped by the powerful energetic vibration that emanates from this healing space, the very Heart of a Sacred Land.
Shambalanté is a unique space, immersed in the Yucatecan jungle. By being part of our retreats and meditation, yoga and detox courses, you will be in close and direct contact with nature, as well as having a conducive environment of peace, tranquility and stillness, required to promote human development, spiritual growth, introspection, connection with your heart and your most authentic essence.

In Harmony with Nature
The sacred land of Shambalanté is located in the middle of the lush Yucatecan jungle. During your stay you will be continuously surrounded by nature and the flora of the place, and you will also enjoy a diversity of wildlife such as tropical birds, insects and the occasional reptiles.
Our facilities coexist in harmony with nature and operate under the premise that our activities are environmentally friendly. Therefore, our areas work with solar pannels; we harvest food directly from our garden to the table, so our food is totally fresh and organic; our bathrooms and showers are perfectly integrated within nature, and we create our own environmentally friendly hygiene products. On this same note, we encourage our guests and visitors to use only organic products, such as sunscreens, cosmetics and repellents that are biodegradable.
Disconnect from everything, Connect with yourSelf
Being in the middle of the jungle, you will find that in Shambalanté the pace of each day enables you to slow down, allowing your daily experience to become much calmer and peaceful, compared to the fast pace of life we have become accustomed to in the cities.

Disconnect from the external

Connect deep within